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What are the steps involved in the separation process for processing manholes?

category:KNOWLEDGEtime:2019-11-15Click volume:0

The forming of manhole sheet metal is also called stamping, which is usually carried out at room temperature, so it is also called cold stamping or sheet metal stamping. According to its deformation property, it can be further divided into separation process and forming process. The separation process is to separate the manhole from a certain shape and

The forming of manhole sheet metal is also called stamping, which is usually carried out at room temperature, so it is also called cold stamping or sheet metal stamping. According to its deformation property, it can be further divided into separation process and forming process. The separation process is a stamping process in which a certain shape and size of workpiece is separated from the manhole by using the die under the external force of the press.

It includes blanking, punching, cutting, edge cutting, sectioning and other processes; the forming process is the stamping process which uses the external force of the press to make the sheet produce plastic deformation and get the required shape and size of the workpiece. Including bending, drawing, flanging, bulging, expanding, necking, spinning and other processes.

The volume forming of the secondary plastic processing of the volume forming of the manhole is a plastic deformation that redistributes the volume of the metal billet (block) by using the forging equipment, tools and dies to obtain the required shape, size and performance of the workpiece. It mainly includes forging and extrusion. In the former process, the shape of deformation area changes with deformation, which belongs to unstable plastic deformation; in the latter stage, the shape of deformation area does not change with deformation, which belongs to stable plastic deformation.