

Constant force spring support and hanger

classifieds:Miscellaneous power plantRelease time:2019-11-15Release time:0
Constant force spring support and hanger

The constant force spring supports and hangers (hereinafter referred to as constant hangers) are designed according to the principle of moment balance. Under the permitted load displacement, the load moment and spring moment are always balanced. For the pipeline and equipment supported by the constant crane, when displacement occurs, it can provide a constant supporting force, so it will not bring additional stress to the pipeline equipment.

I. main technical features:

Rated load: 0.2-400kn displacement: 0-508mm

Allowable site load adjustment amount: ± 10%

II. Main technical parameters:

Specified load deviation (including friction force) in the whole stroke: ≥ 6% load average value and design load deviation in the whole stroke: ≥ 2%

When locked, it can bear 2 times of the maximum working load

III. structure composition and working principle:

Spring type constant force support and hanger is mainly composed of cylindrical spiral spring and lever mechanism. Because of its simple and mature manufacturing process, stable product performance and good economy, it has been widely used in China for a long time, so it is the most widely used type at present; the constant force hanger with butterfly spring is relatively difficult to control its performance, while the main and auxiliary spring constant force hanger has high precision requirements for spring, so it is difficult to manufacture and has not been widely used